PLEASE STOP THE BLEEDING so that no child born with HAEMOPHILIA should have to live with pain, disability or the prospect of early death in Mauritius.

The objects of the Association reflect its mission and are listed here below:

  • to create awareness on Haemophilia and other bleeding disorders;

  • to network with related associations at local, regional and international levels;

  • to raise funds to support patients suffering from Haemophilia and other bleeding disorders;

  • to advocate for improved treatment and management of Haemophilia and other bleeding disorders;

  • to advocate for adequate supply of safe treatment products;

  • educating and empowering patients with bleeding disorders to help them live healthier, longer and more productive lives;

  • training healthcare professionals in the field to properly diagnose and manage patients.

The founding members of the Haemophilia Association of Mauritius believe that “No one should endure pain and suffering when treatment exists” and “No parent should be told that their child will die young.”

Our Vision

The Haemophilia Association of Mauritius’ ultimate VISION remains the creation of a Haemophilia Treatment Care Center (HTC) where people with haemophilia and other inherited bleeding disorders may receive safe and effective treatment products as well as proper diagnosis, management and care by a multidisciplinary team of trained specialists.

Haemophilia cannot be treated in a general haematology department due to its complexity. Comprehensive care carried out in a specialized Haemophilia Treatment Centre is the optimum treatment for patients with haemophilia and other bleeding disorders.

Such a specialised center will prevent or minimize disease complications and disability and maximize patient functional status and quality of life.

The concept of comprehensive care is to treat the whole person and the family, through continuous supervision of all the medical and psychosocial aspects of bleeding disorders.

Patients will therefore have a specialized centre for optimum treatment as opposed to the present situation where the management and treatment of haemophilia patients is scattered throughout different hospitals and private clinics.

Patients will henceforth be treated promptly by qualified staff in a specialized center where Clotting Factor Concentrate will be made readily available and easily accessible to ALL.

Further, the HTC will place great emphasis on bleeding prevention and the education and support necessary for patients and their caregivers.

Education of these patients and their families will empower them to manage their disease better and therefore improve their quality of life.

The Haemophilia Association of Mauritius is working in collaboration with the Ministry of Health and Quality of Life as well as other private partners and Health Institutions in the implementation of this project which will improve the knowledge and skills of its members and healthcare professionals in haemophilia care and prevention.