You can help us by:

  1. Donations: By cheque to the order of Haemophilia Association of Mauritius or by standing order to our account: 000 44 100 8038 Mauritius Commercial Bank, Quatre Bornes.
  2. Getting involved as a Volunteer.
  3. Learning more about haemophilia by visiting our website, FaceBook Page or Instagram Account.
  4. Encourage others to spread the word by mails and texts.

Your donation means we can:

  • Save lives through the acquisition of blood treatment products.
  • Provide anxious parents with the information they need to care for their children.
  • Train doctors, nurses and other healthcare professionals.
  • Increase public awareness.
  • Distribute up-to-date information on haemophilia research and blood safety products.

The Haemophilia Association thanks you for your generosity!