World Haemophilia Day 2023 – Patients Gathering
May 24, 2023
WFH helps Mauritian NMO overcome challenge of no hematologist
August 20, 2023
World Haemophilia Day 2023 – Patients Gathering
May 24, 2023
WFH helps Mauritian NMO overcome challenge of no hematologist
August 20, 2023
On the 30th of July 2023, the Haemophilia Association of Mauritius organised a psycho-social and physiotherapy workshop at the Gold Crest Hotel.
Workshop speakers, trainers and facilitators were:
- Mrs Mohsena Olath-Carramtally, HAM Operations Manager
- Mrs Minackshi Dhurmoo-Luchmun, HAM Programme Coordinator
- Mr Yassin Takun, Sports Physiotherapist at Cote d'or National Sports Complex
- Dr Awotarsingh Bhantooa, OSK, Physiotherapist at SSRN Hospital, Ministry of Health & Wellness
Mrs Mohsena and Mrs Minackshi started the workshop with an ice breaker, followed by a presentation on how to look at be fit at any age. Patients were given advices on the need of sleep, exercising, personal grooming and eating habits.
Dr Awotarsingh then made a short demonstration on the correct way to breathe. He equally explained that he was making a research on the Quality of Life of Patients with Haemophilia in Mauritius. This study is a first one in the Republic and its findings will be a useful tool to improve the QOL of haemophilacs. Patients present took part in the research by completing a survey.
Mr Yassin took the lead for the next part of the workshop. He started by explaining the different parts in the body that are usually most impacted by haemophilia. He made demonstrations of physiotherapy activities and exercises that are considered safe for haemophiliacs to practice. He also emphasised on the need for regular exercises and good sleep. Mr Yassin insisted that patients should take great care prior to start a new physical activity and should always confer with their treating physician for advice.
Finally, Jodarsen Arnachellum, HAM's Vice President, shared his life experiences and explained how exercising helped him as a haemophiliac.
Overall, the workshop was very fruitful.
Author: Auhammad Arshad-Ali, HAM Treasurer & Youth Leader
First published: 2 August 2023, 11:35
Last updated: 2 August 2023, 11:35