Just for the Smiles!
August 22, 2019
Light it up Red 2023
April 17, 2023
Just for the Smiles!
August 22, 2019
Light it up Red 2023
April 17, 2023
Haemophilia Youth Camp – 3rd & 4th August 2019
In line with the objective of the Haemophilia Association of Mauritius (HAM) to empower the Haemophilia Patients to lead a normal life, a first stay over Youth Camp was organised during the week-end of 3rd and 4th August 2019 at Holiday Inn Hotel at Mon Tresor, Plaine Magnien, whereby some 25 youngsters (patients and carriers in the age 15 to 35 years) of the Haemophilia family, participated.
Several sessions have been organised during the 2-day camp which have enabled the youth to:
- Strengthen the bond among themselves;
- Learn how to deal with their emotions by putting “les mots sur les maux”;
- Share experiences and boost their self-confidence;
- Learn more on the Basics of Haemophilia;
- Take cognisance of the various facilities / benefits being offered by the Ministry of Social Security;
- Gain knowledge on the Duke of Edinburg International Award – a journey which the youngsters want to embark on;
- Realize the importance of physiotherapy sessions and the benefits thereof for the Haemophilia Patients;
- Be trained on self-infusion in line with our objective towards home therapy;
- Brainstorm and make proposals for the forthcoming HAM Strategic Plan;
- Showcase their hidden talents of musicians, singers and dancers.
Special thanks go to Jacques Lafitte (conseiller pedagogique et formateur), Jean François Favory (wheelchair basket-ball player), Mr. S. Choytun (Disability Officer from the Ministry of Social Security), Ms. H. Bhuluck (Representative of Ministry of Youth & Sports), Ms. N. Ramdin (Physiotherapist of the MoH & QL) and all those who have help in one way or the other to make that event memorable and a success.
The aim of making the event a blend of educational, instructive and coupled with fun activities, has been achieved.
The way forward is now to enhance the momentum that has developed among the youth and to strive to maintain the team active with a view to meeting the challenges ahead.
Hidden were the Haemophiliacs of the past, United are Haemophiliacs of the present and Unbeatable will be the Haemophiliacs of the future.